
Cyber Security

A close-up of a data center
DataMax Cyber Security Ransomeware Alert, malicious emails, network security

The Importance

of Network Protection

Powered by the Sentinel One Endpoint Detection Platform and combined with ConnectWise’s Managed Security Services, DataMax provides organizations of all sizes visibility and protection against even the most advanced attacks. Our managed service uses proprietary intelligence to detect, prevent, and respond allowing you to reduce risk and stay focused on your business.


Bringing You The Best

Cyber Security Attacks

By The Numbers

81% Of All Breaches Happen To Small & Mid Size Businesses
A New Ransomware Attack Occurs Every 14 Seconds
97% Of Breaches Could Have Been Prevented With Today's Tech
20% Of Small Businesses Will Suffer A Cyber Breach This Year
DataMax Cyber Security Ransomeware Alert, malicious emails, network security


Protects Your Business From


Cyber Security Benefits

DataMax Cyber Security Network Protection, Firewall Security, Internet Security Software


Cyber Security Includes

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Endpoint Security

24/7 Protection

Email Security Training

SIEM Services

Threat Detection

SOC Services

Phishing Simulations

Zero Trust Execution

Network & Data Security in

3 Easy Steps


Cyber Security FAQ

Small businesses are the victims of the majority of today’s attacks (64%), and that’s because they are under-protected. So while you may not be explicitly targeted, you are very much at risk of being swept up in a volume-based attack.

Last year that set of solutions would provide reasonable security. But today, the majority of cyber-attacks are sophisticated enough to bypass a business’ basic security precautions. In other words, what worked yesterday is not enough to protect against today’s threats.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. When cybercriminals breach your network, it allows them to operate freely inside of your network. Because of this, the criminals can impede, modify or discontinue your backup.

In the case of ransomware, the criminal doesn’t want your data. But he knows that you NEED your data and that you will pay to get it back if he encrypts it.


Featured Solutions

Data Protection

Managed IT

DataMax Is Here To Help

Secure Your Network & data Today

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To get started, call our office at (920) 783-6100.

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